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Ontario Creates Funding

Access The Ontario Creates Film & TV Funds

Ontario Creates provides funding for the film industry via its Film Fund and the film and television industry through international business development initiatives and the Export Program. Ontario Creates has created various programs and resources to provide financial, strategic and research support to Ontario’s cultural entrepreneurs and established trade and event organizations from the film & TV production industry. Ontario Creates’ support provides opportunities for film producers to develop and produce new projects and for film & TV producers to create international partnerships, export their content, and access new markets to grow their business. Support is also available to established trade organizations for events and activities that stimulate the growth of Ontario’s film & TV production industry. Business Intelligence Program grants are also available to incorporate not-for-profit industry organizations undertaking initiatives that support or complement the mandate of the Ontario Creates.


Ontario Creates provides funding for the film industry via its Film Fund and for both the film and television industry through international business development initiatives and the Export Program.


The Ontario Creates Film Fund, Development Stream is intended to support development activities that lead to the increase of domestic feature film production in Ontario. The Film Fund provides support to Ontario producers for all stages of development activities.


The Marketing and Distribution Initiative (MDI) is open to the Ontario Creates Film Fund – Production recipients and intended to assist producers to make a meaningful contribution to the domestic marketing and distribution of their projects leading up to and during their release.


This program provides eligible Ontario film and television production companies with funding to participate in international activities that support company growth and produce measurable business and market development results. Primary activities supported include targeted sales trips and attendance at international market events.

ACCESS The Ontario Creates Ontario Music Investment Fund

The Ontario Music Investment Fund (OMIF) is designed to provide targeted economic development investment to the province’s vibrant and diverse music industry. OMIF supports Ontario music companies with strong growth potential to maximize return on investment (ROI), and create more opportunities for emerging artists to record and perform in Ontario.


The OMIF Music Creation stream supports the development of competitive, sustainable music companies in Ontario that take risks discovering and developing talent – particularly emerging artists – and bringing it to market.

OMIF – MUSIC Industry Initiatives

The OMIF Music Industry Initiatives (MII) stream provides support to Ontario’s established music trade associations and music service organizations to offer initiatives, events and activities that strengthen, support and stimulate the economic and cultural growth of Ontario’s music industry.

OMIF – Live Music

The OMIF Live Music stream supports businesses and organizations that produce or promote live music events featuring Canadian artists, including eligible music festivals and concert series. The Live Music stream will provide funding to increase the number and quality of live music experiences (e.g. events, festivals and concerts*) that can be experienced by residents in and visitors to Ontario.

ACCESS The Ontario Creates Interactive Digital Media Fund (IDM)

The IDM Fund is aimed at strengthening and stimulating economic growth in the interactive digital media sector. Programs include: Concept Definition and Production; Global Market Development; Marketing Support; and Industry Development.

Through consultation with stakeholders, Ontario Creates has created a range of programs and resources to provide financial, strategic and research support to Ontario’s cultural entrepreneurs and established trade and event organizations from the interactive industry.

Ontario Creates support provides opportunities for producers of interactive content to create new products, access existing and new markets and grow their business.

Support is also available to established trade and event organizations for activities that stimulate the growth of Ontario’s interactive industry.

Research grants are also available to incorporated not-for-profit industry organizations undertaking research initiatives that support or complement the mandate of Ontario Creates.


The Ontario Creates Interactive Digital Media (IDM) Fund Concept Definition and Production programs provide IDM content creators with funding for high quality, original interactive digital media content projects that make a positive contribution to the Ontario economy.


The Global Market Development program provides eligible Ontario companies with funding to participate in international activities that support company growth and produce measurable business and market development results.


The Discoverability and Commercialization Program replaces the Marketing Support program. The program is designed to increase the visibility and financial viability of projects that receive Production support through the IDM Fund.


Ontario Creates IDM Fund: Futures provide early-stage screen-based companies with access to the skills that they require to fast-track their knowledge acquisition and enhance the competitiveness of their companies through a series of courses.


Ontario Creates Industry Development Program provides support to Ontario’s established trade and event organizations to offer initiatives, events and activities with long-term impacts on growth and sustainability in the book, magazine, film, television, and interactive digital media sectors.

ACCESS The Other Ontario Creates Funds

Business Intelligence PRogram

Ontario Creates offers financial support to incorporated not-for-profit industry organizations undertaking business intelligence initiatives aimed at gathering, formulating and disseminating business intelligence relevant to the growth of one or more content creating sectors in Ontario.

Industry Development Program

Ontario Creates Industry Development Program provides support to Ontario’s established trade and event organizations to offer initiatives, events and activities with long-term impacts on growth and sustainability in the book, magazine, film, television, and interactive digital media sectors.

Book Fund

Ontario Creates is continuing to support the creative industries as they recover from the challenges presented by COVID-19. Companies will be permitted to budget funds for operations-related costs to a reasonable extent. Project outcomes should account for these types of necessary expenses.

Magazine Fund

The Ontario Creates Magazine Fund supports the business development of independent Ontario-based magazine publishers. Funds are provided to assist in the growth of these businesses through the creation and implementation of new strategic initiatives that enable publishers to achieve business development and/or marketing objectives. Eligible projects should have clear, objective and measurable results. 

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Jane Doe

"Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Donec ullamcorper nulla tellusper nulla tellus ac cursus commodo tortor mauris condimentum nibh"

Jane Doe

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